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NPS Financial Services / 27 Banking NPS Scores 2023
In banking and financial services, Net Promoter Score (NPS) has never been more important. With customers becoming increasingly tech-savvy and expecting more personalized banking experiences, you can no longer afford to be lazy with loyalty. The good news for consumers is that in 2021, 75% of banks are now investing...
Highest NPS Scores: Best NPS Scores From Top Companies in 2023
For this article, we've looked all over the internet to find the latest NPS score data for these top brands. We collected NPS scores for 100 top brands and ranked them highest to lowest. But, we couldn't fit them all on this page! 👋 Download the full top 100 NPS...
38 SaaS NPS Benchmarks & Top SaaS eNPS scores
In SaaS, product and marketing should work in tandem to drive customer referrals. Your referral and upsell stats are the ultimate test of sustained product value. They're the number one indicator of company health and future growth rate. But, how does one get more referrals? And how can you identify...
Telecom NPS Benchmarks and CX Trends in 2023 | NPS in Telecoms
Working in telecommunications, you are probably well aware of widespread complaints about the industry. In 2021, there were over 300 million wireless carrier subscribers in the U.S. With an industry churn rate of 22 percent, that gives us 95 million frustrated customers taking their interests—and wallet—to another provider. Today, one...
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