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The Net Promoter Score® Industry Benchmark Series

by Cvetilena Gocheva

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NPS Financial Services / 27 Banking NPS Scores 2023

by Cvetilena Gocheva

As a your community manager, it's my responsibility that I analyze what are the most searched topics on and which NPS® areas interest you the most. Having gone through hours of analysis and conversations with your fellow community members, two topics came forth. Industry benchmarks and best practices from NPS top leaders. 

An NPS community would not be trustworthy if it does not follow NPS best practices of listening and acting on feedback. With that in mind, I am very happy to share with you our latest eBook - The Net Promoter Score® Industry Benchmark Series.

Everything your wanted to know about the state of Net Promoter Score in industries like financial services, technology, telecommunications, multi-channel retail and travel - all in one eBook! But there is more. The eBook will also spotlight the five Net Promoter Score leaders from each one of those industries and share best practices you can learn from. To top if off, we will present the opportunities for growth within each sector - expect to read about the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and more!

Hope you enjoy it!

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