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Top 10 Net Promoter® Best Practices to Ensure a Successful Program [eBook]

by Cvetilena Gocheva

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NPS Financial Services / 27 Banking NPS Scores 2023

by Cvetilena Gocheva

The Net Promoter® Field Guide to Technology

How do you optimize your Net Promoter® program specifically for your tech company? Learn what an ideal Net Promoter System looks like for your industry and NPS best practices to ensure a successful Net Promoter program. The Net Promoter Field Guide to Technology will feature companies that have joined and will share some exclusive NPS lessons to position you for success with your program.

In this eBook you will find:

  • Benchmarks for technology companies like Apple, Microsoft and more and how that correlates to their revenue 
  • An industry spotlight on Apple's customer experience gameplan  
  • The top 10 Net Promoter best practices to ensure a successful program
  • And much more