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CustomerGauge Launches largest ever NPS® and CX Benchmark Survey

by Cvetilena Gocheva

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Last year CustomerGauge commissioned the largest ever NPS® industry survey. The results were published in our NPS Benchmark Reports 1 and 2 and have highlighted that while the industry has come a long way, there are still gains to be had. 

That is why this year CustomerGauge is launching the biggest ever NPS & CX Benchmark survey in collaboration with MIT CISR. This year's questions will dive deeper into NPS, retention, revenue and ROI. Our collaboration with the MIT Center for Information Systems Research (CISR) helped us gain a deeper understanding of customer experience across industries and incorporate this into the survey. and CustomerGauge encourage you to take the survey and become part of the largest ever NPS & CX Benchmark study. 

At the end of the survey, CustomerGauge will create an individualized program assessment report for your company. The report will help you evaluate your program maturity vs. other competitors in your industry and provide focus to improve your program moving forward.

Thank you again for participating in our 2017 NPS and CX benchmark survey!


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