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Industries / Other / Wholesale Net Promoter Score Benchmarks

Wholesale Net Promoter Score Benchmarks NPS Score Benchmarks

Companies: 54


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In the wholesale industry as a whole, the average net promoter score (NPS) is 34 (CustomerGauge benchmarks report, 2020).

Disrupted supply chains, reduced demand, and stringent new regulations posed new challenges for wholesale companies.

Wholesale NPS scores

According to Industrial Distribution, half of all wholesalers reduced their inventory and one-third reported layoffs. Some segments were more affected than others. Industrial distribution, for example, experienced a heavier blow than healthcare distribution, with closed down plants and reduced demands.

That being said, wholesale distribution is anticipated to continue to rise in value in 2021. According to Business Wire, the global wholesale and retail market is expected to increase from $65,323 billion in 2020 to $71,809 billion in 2021.

Looking ahead, wholesale distributors can expect to face a few challenges. Increased competition and disruption from e-commerce, talent shortages, and regulatory requirements will require new strategies and tools to remain competitive.

To grow loyalty (and encourage word of mouth marketing), wholesale distributors can improve account relationships through collecting and acting on feedback.

Discover top Wholesale Net Promoter Score Benchmarks NPS scores below

Score Updated February 28, 2022

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CustomerGauge was voted the #1 NPS platform for B2B organizations by Gartner for three years running. We not only help you measure and understand your customer's voice, we've built a tailored methodology that drives real revenue results despite the complexity of B2B customer relationships.

NPS Benchmarks Blog

What is Net Promoter Score?

We've written a complete guide to "What is Net Promoter?" here. In short, Net Promoter is a system designed to create sustainable, healthy growth through retention, upsell and referrals. Learning how to calculate NPS is your first step to understanding the mechanism of NPS clearly.

What is a good NPS score?

What is a good Net Promoter Score varies greatly between industries. There's a number of ways to compare your score—but ultimately, who knows if other companies are tracking their score according to best practice? Or if they're manipulation their results? For that reason, your best benchmark of success is your own NPS score in previous years.

About Our NPS Benchmarks

CustomerGauge NPS Benchmarks collates and publishes any publicly available Net Promoter Score from industries all across the globe, with the added ability of allowing companies to submit their own Net Promoter Score for publication. We aim to not only share NPS scores, but verify and present them in the most transparent way.