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Use CX to Hypercharge Your ABM Program

Demo the #1 B2B CX Solution for Marketers

Align your CX program with your account-based approach. Join us for a 15-30 minute demo and see how to automate and monetize your B2B marketing efforts to generate growth and elevate brand perception.

Use CX to Hypercharge Your ABM Program

Demo the #1 B2B CX Solution for Marketers

Align your CX program with your account-based approach. Join us for a 15-30 minute demo and see how to automate and monetize your B2B marketing efforts to generate growth and elevate brand perception.


ABM Doesn’t Stop At The Win

The marketers job doesn’t stop once the deal is closed. Seamlessly integrate CustomerGauge’s Account Experience software into your account-based marketing program to generate additional revenue growth, manage brand perception and align your account-centric approach across your organization.


CX Infused ABM

Customers deserve the same hyper-targeting you're giving prospects. CustomerGauge’s Account ExperienceTM platform helps segment audiences by sentiment, revenue, activities, (and so much more) to deliver relevant offers—at the right time—to drive significant account growth.

Axicon Red

Revenue Attribution

Tying marketing efforts and campaigns to revenue gains can be a tough task. Luckily, CustomerGauge has out-of-the-box revenue attribution integrated into every facet of the platform—meaning you can track your customer campaign’s revenue contribution on custom dashboards, all in real-time.


Referrals & Reviews

Capture customer testimonials and publish them automatically on your very own white-labeled, SEO-friendly, reviews site. Setup automatic customer referral campaigns based on their likelihood to recommend and feed the acquisition machine with new, warm accounts that are ready to buy, easy to onboard, and primed for future growth.



Our platform is built for B2B marketers from the ground-up. The system is account-native, offering deep insights into account activity and sentiment, but also robust reporting on account revenue and predictive churn analytics so you can always stay one-step ahead of account churn.


What Are They Saying

  • After a successful pilot, we rolled out CustomerGauge to 50+ countries and the program is now one of our CEO's top-priority projects.

    Matthieu Simon Stefan Visser Supply Chain Director

  • We have 27+ markets where we’re deploying the Account Experience software and playbooks.

    Luis Gondim David Schekoske copy Sr. Global Director of Contact Strategy