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Retention Tool-kit

Take Care of Your Customers & Employees First

Recent events have impacted the operations of businesses all across the globe. With the given uncertainty about the future of new business, it's more important now than ever to retain your current customers. But also, it's more important to take care of your employees (the heartbeat of your organization). In this guide, we detail 10 strategies you can employ today to retain customers & employees during a crisis. Download a copy now to keep for future reference.

Retention Tool-kit

Take Care of Your Customers & Employees First

Recent events have impacted the operations of businesses all across the globe. With the given uncertainty about the future of new business, it's more important now than ever to retain your current customers. But also, it's more important to take care of your employees (the heartbeat of your organization). In this guide, we detail 10 strategies you can employ today to retain customers & employees during a crisis. Download a copy now to keep for future reference.


Who Is This For

Originally, this Retention Response Tool-Kit was created as a guide for our customers. We wanted to arm them with practical tips for managing their employee & account experiences amidst the pandemic. But the magnitude of businesses affected by the pandemic made it apparent that this guide should be available for all companies with more than 100 employees. So we're opening it up to the public. In this tool-kit, we cover 5 account retention strategies, 4 employee retention strategies, and over 20+ examples of how other companies are putting customers & employees first.


Account Retention

Understand how the pandemic has impacted your customers and what this mean for the direction and management of your account experience program.

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Employee Retention

Your employees are the heartbeat of your organization but they, too, have been affected by the pandemic. Now is the time to find new ways to monitor their well-being.


Real-Life Examples

See real-life examples of how other companies are adapting to the times and providing exceptional experiences for their employees and account stakeholders.


CustomerGauge Examples

Learn what CustomerGauge is doing to provide relief to our employees, healthcare workers on the front-lines of COVID, and our accounts in need of assistance.