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Root Cause Analysis: The NPS Handbook to Analyze Drivers

Everyone understands the concept and how to calculate the score. However, companies without analysts often see analysis as the complex part of the Net Promoter process due to the use of statistical tools. In this guide, we will not only explain the statistical side of Net Promoter, but also how to do driver analysis with simple math that doesn’t require any statistical knowledge.

Free eBook

Root Cause Analysis: The NPS Handbook to Analyze Drivers

Everyone understands the concept and how to calculate the score. However, companies without analysts often see analysis as the complex part of the Net Promoter process due to the use of statistical tools. In this guide, we will not only explain the statistical side of Net Promoter, but also how to do driver analysis with simple math that doesn’t require any statistical knowledge.

What You'll Learn

We often refer to the traditional Net Promoter® System as a continuous cycle. First, you survey your customers. Then you analyze their feedback. And finally, you follow up with the appropriate actions. But what all do each of these steps entail? In this best practices guide, we go in-depth into the analysis stage of this continuous cycle to show you how to uncover the root cause of your customers' feedback.


The Root Cause Challenge

Many CX professionals know how to calculate their Net Promoter Score (NPS), but analyzing which touch-points drive their score becomes a more complex process.


Simplify Analysis

In this eBook, we teach you how to conduct a root cause analysis using simple math to avoid the need to hire an outside analysts.


Unlock Potential

Learn how to discover exactly which touch points in your customers' journey are driving your NPS score and how to uncover the true root cause.


Detailed Examples

Clarify your understanding of the concepts presented with detailed examples of how to calculate your driver's impact on your NPS score.

Table of Contents

What's Inside

Take a peak inside our Root Cause Analysis ebook! Learn basic definitions for statistical terms, what data to analyze, and how to analyze drivers vs text vs root cause.


What Data Should We Analyze?

What Data Matters

Selecting Drivers from a List

Rating Drivers from a List

Survey Fatigue


Statistics Overview

Descriptive vs Inferential

Statistical Significance

Sample Size

Linear Regression

Statistical Tools


Driver Analysis

Driver Impact on NPS

Simple Driver Analysis

How to Calculate NPS Score

Understanding What to Improve

Detractor vs Passive Drivers


Text Analysis

3 Reasons to Include Comments

Missing Drivers

Getting Organizational Buy-In

Capitalize on Feedback

Voice of the Customer


Root Cause Analysis

Customer Interviews

The 5 Whys



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