Happy 10th Birthday to Amazon Web Services.
CustomerGauge would recommend you!
This week Amazon Web Services celebrates 10 years existence. CustomerGauge has been a proud customer of AWS for more than half of that time. Hard to believe that CustomerGauge (which once ran on a shared hosting service from GoDaddy) now runs on around 90 dedicated AWS instances in three data centers in Ireland, Australia, and the US.
We were early pioneers (at least in Amsterdam) and held the first meetups for the AWS Group in our office. And over the years, we’ve been proud to attend AWS events.
Alessio (Head of Tech and I put together a short list of what we love with Amazon:
AZ mirrored database servers for fast failover. Allows us to be as resilient as banks were 10 years ago.
The fact that we can run servers close to our customers – we run three data centers around the world to give us geographic spread (and redundancy).
Incredible scale and performance (Alessio’s favourite – “I'm addicted to autoscaling. I love watching servers going up and down, depending on the load!”). This means we can cope with our largest customer’s load effectively.
Encryption on databases at rest for extra security – we are fanatical about security, and this gives an extra layer for us.
Regular price drops – that alone is enough to earn “10” on the Net Promoter “Would you recommend”-scale.
Seriously it’s incredible how it’s possible to build a multi-million dollar business by buying servers on demand. It’s a very cash-efficient way of scaling a business. AWS: Many happy returns – thanks for the last 10 years!