Company announces new tool for its enterprise-class feedback solution
CustomerGauge is excited to announce the latest feature to its hi-tech customer feedback solution. Called Faxback, the revolutionary new feature allows businesses to carry out Net Promoter® surveys with their customers by probably the most simple and effective way possible – fax.“Too many software companies run after the latest flash-in-the-pan technologies without considering what really matters – their customers,” said CustomerGauge CEO Adam Dorrell. “Over the last five years, we’ve been at the forefront of mobile surveying, and that has helped us connect with mobile users. But we realised that in order to take the next step to that 360 degree connection with the customer, fax surveys were a no-brainer.”
The new feature is both simple and user friendly. Businesses choose a typeface and layout with the help of an experienced CustomerGauge client ops professional, and mail it to the CustomerGauge office, where it gets faxed out on one of the twenty new “fax machines” specially bought for the purpose. Customers simply receive the fax, check the appropriate score and add feedback, and fax it back to a number on the form.
The returned faxes are scrutinized by a team of fax-savvy interns and stored in specially designed secure filing cabinets in order to safeguard their integrity.
[caption id="attachment_4943" align="alignleft" width="144"] Go Fax Yourself - Are you ready for Faxback?[/caption]
“Customer service is deeply woven into CustomerGauge’s DNA,” says the head of the CustomerGauge Fax-as-a-Service Department Retro Tecmon, and adds "Along with Faxback, we have a number of new customer-initiated features in the pipeline. In fact, we are actively looking into surveying remote customers by carrier pigeon – a level of connectivity that our competitors can only dream about.”
CustomerGauge’s fax machines are stored in a secure, climate controlled room affectionately known as “The Cloud” and powered by Amazon SFS – “Simple Fax Service." The system has the capacity to send and receive literally dozens of surveys an hour. Clients who wish to learn more about the new feature are invited to FAX CustomerGauge at +31 206 22 96 04
Faxback is available to all CustomerGauge users from 1 April 1986 2013.