[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="311" caption="CustomerGauge input formats"][/caption]
To paraphrase Mr Jay-Z: "I have encountered nearly 100 difficulties, but loading my data into CustomerGauge cannot be counted among them". We can help you get your data in shape to measure Net Promoter.
We offer multiple ways you can format the data - starting from a simple spreadsheet to a complex XML feed.
We can take in the data in a variety of ways - from emailing it to us (fine for a small project), loading directly into CustomerGauge, or a full integration using our API.
Details are here, now conveniently in our support section.
API v1.1.7 - now with Workflow
We just updated our API documentation to include methods of extending our firefighting workflow system. This makes our workflow tool very powerful - it allows you to pull out the status of workflow (open/closed/in-progress, plus all the notes and date information), and also to remotely update the workflow.
So if you are using an external issue tracking system like Remedy or RightNow; or CRM system like Salesforce you can do a very neat tie-up with CustomerGauge.
An example might be a transaction-triggered survey in CustomerGauge, then using Remedy to solve the customer issue. All the analytics and reporting are in CustomerGauge, problem is solved in Remedy. Alternatively CustomerGauge can serve as the Net Promoter measurement tool for your helpdesk.
This API can bring Net Promoter measurement into all of your forward facing customer systems - API 1.7.1 details here.