Partner View:
Robert Kerner, Head of Business Development, runs the Partner Program for CustomerGauge.
Former consultant, data guru, ex-fighter pilot, cruncher of numbers.
[caption id="attachment_2003" align="alignleft" width="233" caption="Enthusiastic Amateur..."][/caption]Given today's lean economic times the need to make the right investment in technology tools for your company is critical. In the last few years, the challenge has been "Can we do this task better/cheaper by using people or software?"In the case of Net Promoter® Score surveying and reporting the debate is the same. Companies can certainly choose from a vast array of inexpensive survey tools, coupled with mass e-mail systems and MS Excel for the calculations, analytics and graphing. The problem with this solution is that it requires extensive man-hours to customize, execute and report usually leaving little time for the actual analysis. From an unscientific straw poll I did, we believe it's around 1.5 to 2 days a month to pull together data, graph and present it in a meaningful way to clients. That's a lot of Excel and Powerpoint time, and a real cost - it's eating into valuable billable consulting time.We have a strong belief that it is critical to use the right tool for the right job. Computers and software do a fabulous job of automating processes, executing calculations and providing graphs/information. On the contrary, they are extremely poor at motivating workforces to work on the proper issues or getting people to think of solutions to continuously improve the product or system. This thinking really must be done by humans, whether an employee or outside consultant.[caption id="attachment_2010" align="alignright" width="239" caption="...or Polished Professional"][/caption]So where does that leave us on the decision of software versus humans in your selection of a solution for NPS tracking? The next time you are working on a Net Promoter project, do a small calculation. And if you are spending more than 0.5 day/month on the organisation and reporting of the survey, consider a tool like CustomerGauge. Having done dozens of manual survey runs and analyses ourselves, we think it strikes the perfect balance between automating tasks and providing easily usable graphs and tables. It sounds clichéd but it's true.CustomerGauge does the hard work, so you don't have to. Oh, and by the way, it's always up to date - in real time. The key win here is that it frees up staff and consultants to do what they do best, which is think!So put away the Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint slides. Stop crunching numbers, and drawing graphs and put your mind to work on changing yours or your clients business!
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