We normally recommend that CustomerGauge and DemonstratorGauge users choose Firefox as their browser to run our software. It's a better experience, faster, more compatible - and we use it internally.
However, there was one issue that has always slightly irritated me in Firefox. You can't easily copy and paste a table into Microsoft Excel. It's not a problem in either InternetExplorer or Safari, and I found that I had to switch to these browsers if I wanted to do a straight copy. Of course, most of our tables have an "Export to CSV" function, but it's not always so handy.
So yesterday when one of our clients mentioned this, we looked for a solution and found a great plug-in for Firefox that allows you to copy-paste a table with no problems. It's called Dafizilla Table2Clipboard. It does what it says on the tin. Just right-click on table, "Copy Whole Table" and paste into Excel. Thanks to Davide Ficano - more details here
[caption id="attachment_1243" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Copy-Paste from CustomerGauge or DemonstratorGauge in Firefox"]