We provide several ways to take data out of CustomerGauge and display in Real-Time.
- RSS XML feed (described below)
- Twitter Feed
- XML API (documentation coming soon)
- Real Time Display board in browser
The RSS feed is ideal for a simple feed of customer comments for a testimonial feed, external website or intranet application. In this format only comment, score and date is given, so it can be reasonably widely published. No customer attributable data is published (unless revealed in comment box).
For more flexible feeds we recommend our XML API feed (documentation available soon).
The RSS feed file is generated each hour. It always shows 10 comments (the last 10 comments left, sorted by most recent). The number of comments can be adjusted on request.
Feed shows NPS Score, Comment, Date Comment Left
NPS score: <title>10</title>
Comment: <description>Great service. Thanks</description>
Date comment left: <pubDate>2010-04-13 08:04:26</pubDate>
Standard feed is secured with User Name and Password. You can put in a user name/password on most readers. For automated applications (intranet feeds etc) you would use CURL at your feed reader to access.
URL example: http://www.c1-gauge.com/sites/RSS/xxxFeedSecure.xml
Username: myfeed
password: mypass
Example Feed
<rss version="2.0">
<title>CustomerGauge Comment Feed</title>
<description>Intranet Comment Feed</description>
<description>Great service. Thanks</description>
<pubDate>2010-04-13 08:04:26</pubDate>
<source>Comment for customer ID xxxx from xxxxxxxxx Online Shop, powered by CustomerGauge</source>
Please send comments to API@directness.net