16.00 UK / 17.00 CET Wednesday 11 January 2012 (ARCHIVED)
What works best for Net Promoter® Score: Relationship Surveys or Transactional Surveys?
UPDATE: 11 January 2012. Sadly both Rob and Adam forgot to record the webinar, which was a shame as all agreed it was the best "Webinar Wednesday" ever. However, you can see the slides on this link.
Find out how in just 17 minutes in this interactive session, the next in our Net Promoter Best Practice Series.
Led by Robert Kerner and Adam Dorrell, this short webinar will cover the differences between a relationship survey and a transactional survey and give some interesting examples of where/when to use each of them. Once you understand the differences, we will discuss the pros and cons of each and whether a “hybrid” model might be a good fit for your organisation.
Topic: Best Practice Series: Relationship vs. Transactional surveys
Date: Wednesday January 11th, 2012
Time: 16:00 UK, 17:00 CET
Price: Free, to registered subscribers
- Survey overview and why we recommend Net Promoter
- Definitions and examples of relationship and transactional surveys
- Uses in each type in B2B, B2C and B2E (Employee) surveys
- Hybrid models
- Pros and cons of each type of survey
- Key takeaways
This is a fast run through as an overview of the issues, plus a short Q&A session at the end. It should be useful for those considering the design and implementation of a Net Promoter program, or anyone in a customer facing or research role in your organization.