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Workflow on the Go: Introducing One-Touch Firefighting

Blog by Ian Luck
February 14, 2018

An emerging trend among CustomerGauge users in 2013 is to use length of time to close the loop with customers as a KPI. (See examples from Nlifisk-Advance and Kuoni).

The reason is simple: Rescuing Detractors (or, for that matter, Passives or Promoters) can completely transform a relationship to turn a Detractor or Passive directly into a Promoter, driving up the score in the process.

Introducing One-Touch Firefighting

But to maximise the chances of turning Detractors or Passives into Promoters, closing the loop speedily is crucial. For this reason, CustomerGauge is pleased to unveil One-Touch Firefighting, a new feature that is an addition to the regular CustomerGauge Firefighting tool, with the key difference that it is configured especially to enable users to receive alerts and change workflow status from a mobile device.

By making workflow accessible to CustomerGauge users on the go, One-Touch Firefighting will improve internal accountability and give more opportunities to close the loop on issues wherever a user is, and whatever they are doing.

How it Works

1. Alerting the Firefighter

The user receives a regular escalation email on his/her mobile. A standard message informs the user that the feedback has been assigned to them, and a prominent call-to-action button marked "Change" asks him or her to change the current Firefighting status.

[caption id="attachment_7904" align="aligncenter" width="160"]OT WF shadow 1 One-Touch Workflow enables users to change Firefighting status from a mobile device.[/caption]

2. Dousing the Flames

When the user clicks on "Change" he or she is taken to an Update page, where they can change the status. Note that it is mandatory to leave a comment regarding the change of status, prior to updating it. Once the new status has been selected and the comment typed in, the user hits the Update button below the Comment section.

[caption id="attachment_7906" align="aligncenter" width="181"]OT WF 2 Users are prompted to add a comment regarding why the status is being changed.[/caption]

3. Limiting the Risk

To limit the risk of accidentally changing the status incorrectly, Users are asked to confirm all status changes on the final page.

[caption id="attachment_7907" align="aligncenter" width="270"]OT WF 3 All status changes must be confirmed before taking effect.[/caption]

Containing the Exposure

To minimise any potential risk of sensitive data being accessed if a mobile is misplaced, One-Touch Firefighting has the following safety limitations.

  • Expires 24 hours after the escalation email is sent (although this can be configured for a different period of time if necessary).
  • Status can be changed only once. To change a second time, a user must log in to the platform.
  • Workflow issues can not be assigned to someone else from within the feature. To do this, a user must also log in to the CustomerGauge platform.

One-Touch Firefighting gives organisations another tool in the fight to keeping customer promises on time, every time. To add this feature, contact your Client Operations Professional.

See it in action

See how it works in this short (silent) video:

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