The third annual CustomerGauge User Event was held at the Hotel Pulitzer, Amsterdam, on October 9-10, and attended by 50+ CustomerGauge users, partners, and staff. Similar to events in 2011 and 2012, the focus was on leveraging the enormous amount of expertise in the room to share user experiences and insights that attendees could take back to their own organisations. We hope that the event delivered! Read on for a brief recap.
[caption id="attachment_7414" align="alignright" width="300"] Lunch on Day 1[/caption]
Day 1: Workshops
For the first time, the User Event included an extra half-day of activity. The CustomerGauge client operations team led afternoon workshops to help users make the maximum ROI on their use of the CustomerGauge system, and identify where users are on the journey to Net Promoter Greatness.
Morning Day 2: Scaling Everest - and climbing the customer loyalty mountain
The highlight of the morning was an inspiring keynote by the CEO of Live Out There, Jamie Clarke. The adventurer-turned-entrepreneur took attendees on an emotional journey through the struggles he overcame to scale the peak of Mt Everest. This included challenges not just in several attempts to scale the summit, but also in the preparation and setbacks needed to be overcome before the successful mission got off the ground.
[caption id="attachment_7385" align="aligncenter" width="577"] Living on the edge: Live Out There CEO Jamie Clarke in a screenshot from the company's video Net Promoter survey.[/caption]
Jamie Clarke also discussed how Live Out There is using CustomerGauge to bring the Voice of Customer into its organisation. Adventure is in the DNA of the organisation, and in an effort to maximise customer engagement with its Net Promoter program, its Net Promoter survey includes a video call to action in which Jamie is hanging off a cliff while asking customers to respond to the survey.
Afternoon Day 2: Case Studies
In the afternoon Nilfisk-Advance, AIESEC International, and Bavaria Film shared case studies on their respective Net Promoter programs and use of the CustomerGauge platform. To encourage an atmosphere of open sharing, the event was governed by the Chatham House Rule, in which participants are permitted to use the information presented but not disclose the source. In the spirit of this rule, some of the more interesting, anonymised insights from these presentations include:
On embedding Net Promoter in company culture
- "Interview 10 Super Promoters, create posters with pics and feedback, and display them in the office."
- "Select local Customer Ambassadors to go and visit a Promoter and Detractor, and share the experience with their teams."
- "Have a management-level Net Promoter champion in every market."
On customer service
- "I don't want our customer service team to be rushed. If you need to be on the phone for an hour, so be it."
On Key Performance Indicators
- "Instead of putting a KPI on what the NPS should be, put a KPI on closing the loop with customers."
CustomerGauge Presentation
The 2013 event concluded with a presentation by CustomerGauge CEO Adam Dorrell, who walked the audience through some of the newest platform features including the Registration Builder and EmailEngine, upcoming features, and the vision the company holds for the future of Net Promoter and customer loyalty, before drinks in the bar made famous in the Brad Pitt/George Clooney movie Ocean's 12.
If you were an attendee, we'd like to thank you for being so open with your insights, and making the journey - in some cases from as far away as the US - to the event.
Next year's User Event will no doubt be considerably larger, and keep your eye on this space for upcoming events in the US, Denmark, and the Netherlands.