Single Venue
Adding a new venue to DemonstratorGauge is simple. Please check first that the venue you want to add is not already on the list. Go to Settings > Add/modify Venues. Fill in details - make sure you add Postcode. Select a Retail Chain to aid reporting.
If you have a long list of venues to add (50+), we are able to "bulk upload" the data. Please ensure all fields are correctly filled in (postcode, retail chain, Venue Name). Please contact us so we can arrange it.
You can download the DemonstratorGauge Venue Import excel template: Examplevenues.
Note that you can get a list of venues using the API - demonstratorgauge-data-download
A note about adding venues
It's important that the venue list is as clean as possible, with no duplicates to confuse demonstrators. Before adding a venue, please check whether is already stored. We can modify venues, and merge them, but we are not able to delete venues as they are used for multiple purposes.