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Insights Rentokil Has Learned Switching From CX to AX

Blog by Ian Luck
August 2, 2023
"Account Experience has given us tremendous insights allowing us to drive a really big, strategic CX improvement program because we're confident that what we're doing is based on true customer feedback."

Rentokil has always been very conscious of customer experience.

In fact, they started measuring Net Promoter Score (NPS) as early as 2007. At the time they were conducting surveys via telephone call after a technician would finish a job. The response rates were low and they found oftentimes people wouldn’t give honest feedback in a face-to-face (or voice-to-voice) setting.

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Randolph Cart, Director of Marketing at Rentokil to talk about their recent transition from a traditional customer experience (CX) program to an Account Experience (AX)A program.

See the Full Interview:

Their New Amount of Customer Data = Game-Changing

More recently within the past two years, Rentokil transitioned to an Account Experience program, automating their surveying through email with the help of CustomerGauge. They’ve found several benefits of implementing AX over a typical CX program.

First, the amount of data they are able to collect and aggregate quickly to steer the strategic direction of the company has been game-changing.

In the past when they had to dedicate teams of people to physically call customers and perform an interview was now being done, more effectively, in an email that could be completed in less than two minutes.

Second, the speed at which they could act on the data after it is collected has a significantly faster speed to output the data.

In previous years the data would be aggregated and sent out quarterly to view the data. Now, with the automated software, the entire org can view the data and respond to feedback in real-time.

But using CustomerGauge’s Account Experience Software has done more than just allow Rentokill to streamline their survey and follow-up processes.

It has given them insights that have enabled them to refine what the customer journey looks like and also determine where they are weak and need to improve to drive a more customer-centric experience.

For instance, through collecting and closing the loop on feedback they realized that customers were not happy with how difficult it was to get in touch with account managers. These are the details that lead to increased retention and willingness to recommend.

How do we improve account management to better the experience? Getting actionable insight to improve retention.

About the Author

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Ian Luck
Ian has been in the CX market for over a decade evangelizing best-practices and strategies for increasing the ROI of customer programs. He loves a loud guitar, a thick non-fiction book, and a beach day with his family. You can catch him around the north shore of Boston, MA.
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