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Webinar: Customer Service Fire-Fighting - Basic workflow for Customer Rescue, and Conversion to Promoters

Blog by Adam Dorrell
February 14, 2018


In this free Webinar, we will show you how to use Net Promoter with automation of customer responses to turn negative customer experiences into evangelist gold!

16.00 UK / 17.00 CET / 10.00 EST 22 February 2012 - Register Now

best-practice-series-400x87.pngIn today’s business environment, the laziest thing to do is lose an expensively-won customer through poor service. And although asking for opinions on product or service is commonplace, few companies react fast enough to rescue customers.

But with a simple process we call “Fire-fighting” it’s possible to respond quickly and positively to issues, and “rescue” unhappy customers. Do it well, and you can convert these customers “detractors” into “promoters”.

In our best-practice webinar, we share how world class organizations use Net Promoter and automated workflow to drive their business. These companies have learned the power of engaging these detractors to turn them into customer evangelists.  By using rules-based, automated workflow of responses, companies can quickly evaluate which customers to engage with to drive an immediate action in the organization.

We will discuss how you can:

  • Create an automated Net Promoter “Customer Loyalty” tracking system to monitor your customers sentiment
  • Devise rules based work flow to route these responses to the right person in the organization
  • Use “Fire Fighting” dashboards and follow-up to ensure that these customers’ needs are exceeded
  • Use industry best practices to try to turn these detractors in promoters
  • And a behind the scenes look at the magic trick – “How to react fast”!

Topic: Best Practice Series:  Customer Service Fire-Fighting  - Basic workflow for Customer Rescue, and Conversion to Promoters
Wednesday 22 February, 2012
Time: 16:00 London, 17:00 Amsterdam, 10:00 New York
Price: Free, to registered subscribers
Approximately 20 mins
Presented by
: Adam Dorrell, CEO CustomerGauge, Rob Kerner, Director CustomerGauge

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