B2B Customer Experience Platform for Telecom - Drive Account Retention

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The #1 Ranked Platform

For Telecommunications Experience

With actionable feedback coming from over 52,000+ responses and 30,000+ accounts across the world, CustomerGauge Account Experience is the most trusted channel feedback solution for telecom on the market. Our telecom experience solution allows you to act on channel feedback in real-time and make the voice of the customer your lasting competitive advantage.

Gartner Star

The #1 Customer Experience Platform for Telecom Learn More


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the world…

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“Driven by CustomerGauge data, we have yielded a 30 point increase in the Contact Center’s Net Promoter Score.”

-Nicholas Wagner, Alaska Communications

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Our Telecom Customers Are Shattering Industry Benchmarks With Account Experience

CustomerGauge owns the largest B2B experience benchmarks database for Telecom on the planet. And we’ve painstakingly integrated our Telecom NPS & CX benchmarks directly into our Account Experience platform so you know exactly where you stand vs. the industry on all metrics. As a result, CustomerGauge Account Experience clients outperform their telecom peers across all major experience metrics.

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The Telecom NPS & CX Benchmarks Are Here

Access the largest collection of Telecom NPS & CX benchmarks on the planet and see how your program stacks up today.

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We Have The Data-Driven Playbook For Telecom Market Share Growth

The Telecom market is more competitive than ever. But some of your peers are growing faster than ever—so what’s their secret? They have deployed an ‘always on’ channel feedback strategy that operationalizes experience insights, integrates SLAs, and keeps them one step ahead of their competition.

Run a World-Class VoC Program From One Place

CustomerGauge’s NPS survey platform is scalable, secure and has built-in best practices. From the get-go, you’ll run multi-channel surveys with industry leading response rates.

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Firefight, Faster Than Ever

Good or bad, we turn customer feedback into an opportunity to grow your bottom line. You’ll have the tools to close the loop in <48 hours with 100% of respondents, so you’re consistently driving new retention and referrals

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Tackle Churn at Every Turn

CustomerGauge collects feedback and analyzes satisfaction across every customer interaction. You’ll know how much each touchpoint contributes to revenue loss, so your frontline can quickly understand and improve churn drivers.

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Activate Your Referral Engine With Detailed Channel Insights

Your commercial and frontline teams are powerless without visibility. CustomerGauge places practical, useful insights—like which customers are ready to refer you—in the hands of those who make change happen.

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Recommended Resources

Looking to improve your Telecommunications customer experience? We'll, you’ve come to the right spot! Check out our latest resources for tips, tricks, and yes, even Telecom NPS benchmarks!

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Straight From Our Customers

Integrate Easily

We know getting stuff done can be more than a one person job. With CustomerGauge we sync with companies that you use to make your experience with us that much easier. Explore all of our integrations.

  • Cerillion

  • Salesforce

  • FreshDesk

  • Zendesk

  • Service Now

Calculate the ROI of Account Experience

Every month you are losing money to churn whether you realize it or not. Account Experience helps you get control of churn and generate net-new opportunities so you can grow faster than your competition.


Don't Know Their ROI

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Experience Benchmarks

Get The B2B Experience Benchmarks

With over 24,000+ data points collected across 12 B2B industries, this is the most comprehensive B2B NPS & CX benchmarks report on the planet.


Calculate Your
Experience ROI

See the impact CustomerGauge could have on your bottom-line.