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April Product Launches: New Releases and Feature Improvements

May 16, 2024

After new product releases with GaugieAI in February and the Survey Suite in March, April's improvements are officially in full bloom.

There have been many exciting additions to the CustomerGauge platform this month, so let's dive in!

Feature Improvements

Reporting & Languages

The CustomerGauge Survey Suite offers over 198 language locales for our customers to use worldwide.

This month, we made several improvements to the Japanese translation specifically, as well as added a new currency for Thailand: Thai Baht (฿).

Workflow Rules

Your surveys, your rules. As of April, users can change the priority of workflow rules by simply typing the priority/order number they’d like the rule to have.

That's not all — activating a new response rule now gets set with the last priority, making it easier to find the rule to assign the desired priority.

Campaign & Survey Suite

The CustomerGauge Survey Suite now supports up to 10 pages to be added and/or removed from your survey.

  • Close the Loop 'On-the-Go'. Users can now view additional questions available in surveys while using our close the loop 'On-the-Go' functionality.

Close the Loop on the go CustomerGauge

About the Author

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Sabrina Tessitore
Sabrina is Content Marketing Manager and qualified B2B AX-pert at CustomerGauge. She provides the strategies necessary for B2B companies to build ROI-generating NPS programs. In Sabrina's free time, you can find her seeking out new coffee shops or spending time with her Shih-Poo, Ruby.
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